The Body Books – Reproductive Health

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$9,800 $9,800
Project Code: UGA-WCL-TBB-P01


This project follows on from other reproductive health books/resources that Entrust Foundation has assisted with and been so impressed by. The next book in the series, following on from “Books for Dads” is “Myths and Truths”, an illustrated book that helps youth learn about sexuality, pregnancy and birth. It is written to suit the Ugandan context by a local Ugandan committee to help youth identify harmful practices and beliefs, and provide clear truths about the human body. A training manual “My Amazing Body” will also be written. The material, once printed, will be for sale, placed in libraries and will be included as part of the reproductive training material promoted to health clinics, universities, schools, prisons and others.


Through selling the initial seed stock profits go back into printing more books, helping our partners with sustainability. We are deeply appreciative of our partner’s wisdom and knowledge – they know the gaps in the reproductive health sector and know that if men and women are not reached and educated, cultural change will never come about. They have a proven track record and we like the way they work in collaboration with other local organisations to bring about positive change in the community. Our partners have been recognized for the good work they are doing which we have seen first-hand.


This budget will cover the cost of designing, writing, illustrating and editing the book and manual, as well as printing an initial 400 copies of Myths and Truths and 100 copies of My Amazing Body. It also pays for some project management and ongoing follow-up of the program. A lockable storage cupboard will also be purchased.


Correct understanding on reproductive health has the potential to reduce poverty and maternal and neo-natal deaths. There are many uninformed beliefs around these tops. Cultural understanding is that a large family is a gift from God – whether you can afford it or not. Men are the head of the household and wield the most power in deciding how many and when to have children. By providing young men and women with knowledge targeted at their needs, there is the potential to shift mindsets. Current family size in Uganda is seven children and teen pregnancy to older men is common.


  • Changed attitudes towards family size with Smaller families and healthier mothers
  • Young people with a sense of their responsibilities as fathers/mothers and the skills and knowledge to meet those responsibilities
  • Self-esteem and making responsible, informed decisions to improve their lives

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