

The world is a place of great need.  The Entrust Foundation focusses our energy to help the poor, oppressed and forgotten people on this planet.  With over 30 years of experience, we have identified five major causes, which when addressed, will make the world a happier, safer and better place to live.  We have chosen these causes because while there are many worthwhile projects we could support, we believe these five offer most hope of transformational development.  Therefore in order to maximise our impact, we have focussed our attention.  Our causes are:

1.  Clean water & suitable sanitation
2.  Stopping human trafficking
3.  Education for the world’s poor
4.  Assisting communities achieve economic empowerment
5.  Emergency relief in times of disaster

Read on to learn more about how work in these areas makes a difference, and what Entrust is currently doing in these spaces.