Uplifting At-Risk Girls – Dhaka – Year 2

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$24,680 $24,680
Project Code: BGD-CUP-UAG-P02


This project assists with the expenses of running a hostel for at-risk girls. These girls, who were living on the streets prior to contact with our partner, are at high risk of exploitation and do not have families who are able to care for them. At the hostel, the girls are able to complete their schooling and are provided with a caring and supportive environment in which to live. This project supports 13 girls, aged between 8-16 years at a hostel 2 hours from Dhaka.

What we like about it:

Our partners provide holistic support and training for women who are street based sex workers, at risk of being trafficked and survivors of sexual trafficking. Their vision is to see women and their children who have been victims of exploitation and/or are living in street situations develop holistically, help each other and return to society.

Budget: $24,680 for a one year project.

The budget provides accommodation, schooling and requirements for a caring and supportive environment.

The Need:

Our partners are based in an area of Dhaka where trafficking of women and children is prolific. There are no other local government or services providing holistic rehabilitation and training programs in this area. The prevailing norms and value systems of Bangladeshi society do not easily facilitate the acceptance of returnees to families and social life. Women need to be able to provide for themselves.

Life Change:

  • The girls will know and understand themselves better, gaining self-confidence through learning to read and write.
  • Have an opportunity for dignified employment and being able to support themselves.
  • Receive an education and gain tailoring skills.

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