Uplifting a Community – Year 1

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$24,500 $24,500
Project Code: IND-SMI-UAC-P01


This project funds a government-accredited school, a capacity building program for men, women and youth and maternal health care and clinics for women and children, all in one slum area in Indore, India. The school provides quality affordable education, delivered in English in an accessible location to the slum children who would otherwise not be able to attend school. 60-80 families have lived in this area for about 25 years but still lack basic infrastructure and services. Mobile clinics will provide vital health and hygiene education and medical care for the community. Our partner is also responding to families’ desires to pull themselves out of poverty through economic empowerment. Year 1 budget $24,500.

Why support this:

Our implementing partner has worked with the community to identify what they see as their most pressing needs – education, better health and economic empowerment. The community requested the school and over the past 7 years they have been dedicated to making sure their children attend. The quality of the education is high, and the children are making great progress in catching up to age-appropriate standards after years of neglect. We love that the slum community itself now has a bigger vision than just educating their children and that they want to improve the healthcare and economic prospects for everyone.


$24,500 per year for 3 years. The annual budget covers educational costs for 130 students, capacity building and income generation for 150 adults/youth and 4 clinics providing medical counselling and health checkups.

The Need:

Children in this slum were previously not attending school. By providing affordable, local schooling, our implementing partner is preparing these children for a brighter future. Hygiene is poor throughout the slum, mostly due to lack of knowledge and inadequate infrastructure. Mobile clinics will address some of the community healthcare needs. By providing an income generation training program for families to develop alternative livelihoods, our partners are encouraging self-sufficiency and pride in work instead of begging and rummaging through rubbish tips.

Expected Life Change:

  • The children are empowered through primary education.
  • Improved health care for the entire community through access to counselling, health clinics and pregnancy visits for women.
  • An increase in the number of community-based, sustainable livelihood programs.

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