Toilets @ School – Beira

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$6,000 $6,000
Project Code: MOZ-GGA-TAS-P01


Our partners work in Beira with children from a disadvantaged community called Manga. There are 360 children attending a primary school of which 236 are orphans. The school provides primary education and also cares for the children in their homes through volunteers from the community who do home visitations. This project seeks to build toilets and a septic tank on the school grounds and will complete an undercover area to provide a safe, sheltered area for play.


The school is caring for the most vulnerable of all, orphaned and needy children, in a setting that is providing a safe and secure environment. We like that the school extends its care outside of school time to support children in the home as well and that our partners work closely together with other groups in the area and with the local authorities. Staff and volunteers will pitch in to help build and advise on the project and will also help with education of hygiene.


Beira has a population of around 600,000 people. Due to its location near the highway and poverty, many women have taken to prostitution, making themselves available to truck drivers who stop on the way to the port. As a result, HIV/AIDS and poverty is very high and children have been orphaned. Mozambique is extremely poor and there is a lack of schools in the country. This school provides an opportunity for children to study. The school needs hygienic sanitary facilities and somewhere safe undercover on its premises.


  • A reduction in illness due to the new facilities
  • A reduction in the amount spent on healthcare to use on other essential items
  • Improved well-being of the 360 students which will indirectly benefit 1200 family members

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