Seed-funding for chicken farming

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$5,250 $5,250
Project Code: SWZ-OPH-ZCP-P01


This project provides seed funding to allow a disabled person’s group in Sitsatsaweni, in rural Swaziland, set up a chicken broiler business to be able to earn their own income.  The group are extremely motivated and already have customers guaranteed!  They know what they don’t know, and have also requested training and capacity development, to ensure the business thrives.  They have identified an existing chicken shed which is available for rent in their area, and have already done some initial analysis on profitability.


There are no disability services or support nets in this part of Swaziland, and the disabled are often invisible, and without a means to earn an income.  This group is determined to succeed.  They approached our implementing partner seeking assistance, but with a great deal of the project leg-work already done.  This is a committed group, determined not to be defined by their disability.  All they need is a kick start to be able to start supporting themselves.


The budget covers the cost of chicks, repairs and rent of an existing chicken house, vet costs, food, and related equipment, as well as a small amount required to get a new business off the ground, including distribution of fliers.


Due to extreme poverty and malnutrition, as well as due to HIV/AIDS, this rural part of Swaziland has a lot of people with disabilities.  There is no welfare system, and the disabled are expected to sit at home and be taken care of by their families – who are themselves under a lot of pressure just to survive.  People with disabilities are often seen as lesser people.  This project will provide these people with not just income, but with dignity and a sense of self-worth.


  • 32 members of the disabled person’s group are able to earn their own income and provide for their families
  • These people will challenge and change the cultural perceptions around disability within their community.
  • Improved incomes will lead to improved health and greater opportunities for education for the children of group members.

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