Rebuilding Lives Through Education – Year 2

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$30,000 $30,000
Project Code: MMR-HOP-RLE-P02


This project will support 35 teachers and some educational materials at two schools (407 students) where internally displaced people and refugee families from the camps along the Thai/Burma border are returning despite ongoing unrest and destruction of infrastructure in the local area and the military coup which began 1/2/21. There are considerable and ongoing challenges due to civil conflict and COVID-19 and families are returning with little/no physical resources to support themselves. Year 2 will introduce an income-generating project, starting with small community farms, as the schools start to look to self- sustainability for the future.

Why Support This:

We are impressed by the community’s vision and determination to
build a new life in dire circumstances . They are committed to the schools and want to see their children gain an education. Education is a key to a better life and building for the future. With few resources the community are coming together to support each other and place education as one of the priorities for their children. Supporting teachers is essential for school stability and educational progress. The project is managed by local leaders, with whom our partner has excellent working relationships.


Year 2 (of 2): $30,000

The Need:

The civil war in Myanmar lasted 60 years, devastating the land and displacing populations. Entire generations have grown up without schooling and are living precarious lives. With a tenuous peace, the overwhelming need is to build villages with appropriate infrastructure including schools, medical clinics and other basic services, which will enable people to empower themselves and build better lives.

Expected Life Change

  • Increased access to education, which provides children with alternatives for the future and releases families from poverty
  • More stable teaching workforce improves education quality and outcomes
  • Further development of a sense of community pride in a relatively new village settled mostly by internally displaced people

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