New agriculture for a better life

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$26,670 $26,670
Project Code: LAO-WRN-AGR-P01


Entrust is working with a number of other partners in a large, transformative project aimed to improve livelihoods and reduce poverty in 16 communities in the District through a range of different activities.  One of those activities is improving agricultural practices, and this is the aspect Entrust is focused on.  We will be supporting improved irrigation practices, training in basic animal husbandry including vaccinations, training and demonstration of new cash crops such as coffee and cardamom, demonstration home garden plots, improved cropping techniques and marketing skills.


Our partner has been working in this area for a number of years, and has already been able to exit a number of villages where they first started work.  Our partner is focused on ensuring that the local communities have the skills and knowledge in place to flourish on their own.  We also really appreciate that our partner has chosen to work in one of the most remote parts of Laos, where the need is great, and the work is complicated by working with at least 7 different ethnic minorities, many of whom don’t speak Lao.  This partner knows development, knows its beneficiaries, and knows their problems.  We are excited to be working with them.


The budget includes the cost of four agricultural workers working across the 16 villages, fruit tree/vegetable production, livestock and fish production training and support and marketing training.


This particular area of Laos suffers from rural poverty, which is multi-faceted and a result of its remoteness.  Education levels are less than in other districts, many villages do not have access to skilled birth attendants or health workers, and access to basic water and sanitation facilities is extremely limited.  For example, very few people have access to toilets.  Almost half the population suffer food insecurity.  By working on a specific component of a broader project addressing the interlinked factors of poverty, Entrust will be able to have a much larger impact than if we were simply to try and address agricultural improvements on their own.


  • Farmers and villagers are able to confidently market their products and sell them at fair prices.
  • Improved nutrition leads to improved health which increases the capacity to work and attend school
  • Diversified sources of income and food lead to less hunger, and far fewer hungry periods during the year, as well as reducing a major source of stress and worry for the communities, now and into the future

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