Lay Leaders Health Training – Year 4

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$15,000 $15,000
Project Code: IND-CHR-CHT-P04


This project involves setting up a distance education program that will train 30 to 40 leaders of non-government organisations (NGOs) each year. These leaders are living amongst the poor in remote villages and will be able to provide basic healthcare within their communities once trained.  The project is focussing initially on leaders from Uttarakhand in Norther India, but has potential to reach further in time.  Our implementing partners are Australian doctors, who regularly visit this remote region of India, and are highly experienced Public Health experts, who have volunteered their time to implement this initiative.


This project is empowering locals at ‘ground level’ to meet the immediate health needs of communities in remote villages.  These villages are often deemed inaccessible by other health care providers and are a long and expensive way from Government Clinics or doctors.  The training targets existing, proven leaders with strong bonds and connection to community, decreasing local fear of accessing health care, therefore preventing diseases that can lead to unnecessary death. Once a trainer completes the one year distance education program, they will undertake annual 10 day refresher course to maintain their skill and competence levels.


There are approximately 600,000 villages in India.  73% of India’s population resides in these villages, yet 75% of healthcare professionals are concentrated in the cities.  Many poor and needy from the villages struggle to access health care due to travel and hospital costs.  Many only do so at advanced stages of illness. Most diseases can be prevented though basic health care and awareness.

Training city people is not cost-effective or sustainable.  Training an existing leader within the community can directly meet health needs and make health care more accessible.


  • Community leaders are further empowered to take care of their people
  • Remote villages get accessible health care and are accorded dignity and respect
  • Life expectancy is greatly increased and people live healthier lives

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