Health & Hygiene in Schools

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$21,906 $58,100
Project Code: ZIM-SIZ-HHS-P01


This project will address the risk of poor sanitation and water-borne diseases through the construction of 20 disabled and child-friendly pit latrines in 10 rural primary schools in poor communities. Participatory Health and Hygiene Education (PHHE) will be held in each school and will include training in soap-making using low-cost materials. The programs involve a hands-on, participatory style of teaching through drama, song and dance. School health clubs comprising students and supervising teachers will also be formed to keep up active interest and participation in healthy sanitation habits for the long-term. The project will deliver the installation of eight 5000 litre rainwater collecting and storage tanks in four of the schools.

Why support this:

Our partner has a strong track record and takes a multifaceted approach to health and hygiene. It focusses on young people and teachers within schools, with the expectation that positive effects will filter out to the wider community. A strength is the emphasis on instilling a sense of ownership, partnership and empowerment through community engagement. The community provides building materials including bricks and sand and helps ensure the long-term maintenance of infrastructure. The project employs locals trained in brick-laying and building, helping to support the local economies.

Budget: $58,100 for a one-year project.

The Need:

Water is a huge need in Zimbabwe with the country suffering periodic droughts. Combine this with poverty, a failing economy and political instability, then it is no wonder that clean water sources are in extremely short supply with local populations reliant on unsafe or unclean water. Our partners estimate 50% of rural schools have very poor water supply infrastructure with little or no storage and broken or malfunctioning pumps. Most children and adults suffer from water borne illnesses and more water sources  and sanitation facilities are urgently needed. Where toilet infrastructure in schools does it exist, it often fails to meet the standards for very young children who tend to avoid the safety hazards of large pit latrines.

Expected Life Change:

  • Reduced illness, increased school attendance and greater capacity to learn
  • Younger children will be confident to use facilities
  • Families will benefit as knowledge is transferred from school to the home and broader community

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