Get Me to School – Year 1

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$22,639 $27,000
Project Code: KHM-FLA-GMS-P01


Our partners work in the slums of Phnom Penh with families and children not yet in school. They identify children who want to learn and follow these children through their full circle of education, which for some is to University and beyond. This project is part of our partner’s Education Program and supports activity centres that are run with the express purpose of providing tuition and catch-up classes in Khmer and basic Mathematics as well as providing time and space for children to do their homework and participate in other classes such as English, Computer, Art, Music & Sport.

Why support this:

This program is more than just supporting poor children to start school. Our partners are excited about the young adults they have invested in who are now finding their calling in life and growing in leadership. Significant time goes into identifying kids from difficult backgrounds (slum living, street children, exploited or abandoned children) and facilitating them into education, fostering a love for it and inspiring them to see a future beyond their wildest dreams. The Full Circle Education project is the first step in seeing slum children become leaders.


$27,000. This covers teacher costs, books and materials and the cost of rent and utilities for the five activity centres.

The Need:

Cambodia is still recovering from the Pol Pot regime. Over 50% of the population is under 24 years old, and family structures have been extremely damaged. Poverty further undermines family support with many adults working away from home, leaving children to be raised by grandparents who are themselves busy trying to earn enough to feed the family. Children living in the slums are not supported to attend school, or encouraged to dream of a better future. Alcoholism, drug use and gambling addiction further remove what little adult input children could expect. Research suggests that 25% of Phnom Penh’s inhabitants live in low-income settlements, or slums.

Expected Life Change:

  • Young children are given the opportunity to learn and are supported in their education to become leaders and serve their communities.
  • Children coming through the system will be mentored by older, developing leaders who have gone before them. These young adults will mentor and walk alongside the slum child who is struggling to stay motivated and keep going to school.
  • Students complete government school and enter University study.

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