From Despair to Hope – Year 2

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$41,000 $41,000
Project Code: MMR-EDM-DTH-P02


This project follows on from two successful one-year projects to reach and restore female trafficking victims, specifically those trafficked for sexual exploitation and forced marriage. Entrust will support 50 girls: 25 per year – 15 trafficked and 10 at high-risk of being trafficked. The 15 rescued girls will also be supported with living costs (stipends) to reduce the risk of returning to trafficking for economic reasons. All girls will receive vocational and business training to gain income-generating skills to support themselves. Trauma counselling, art, music and dance therapy, self-esteem building as well as justice and education programs form part of their rehabilitation. Accommodation for the 15 live-in girls provides a safe environment to recover and prepare to reintegrate into communities and find stable employment, restoring hope and dignity.

Why support this:

The red-light districts have become one of the primary trafficking hubs as young girls and women migrate to Yangon due to economic desperation. We like that the program takes 12 months to restore the girls as research shows that women who are returned too quickly to their families and communities without trauma counselling and support are at a high risk of being re-trafficked. We also value our partner’s commitment to continually build the capacity of local staff.


$41,000 per year.

The Need:

Human trafficking is the third largest international crime industry (behind illegal drugs and arms trafficking), driven by a blend of social circumstances. These social, economic, political and environmental determinants shape how people live, grow and work, ultimately affecting people’s vulnerability to exploitation. Profit-driven criminal groups thrive on unfavorable determinants like poverty, indebtedness, illness, conflict and joblessness – which is exactly where our partners are working.

Expected Life Change:

  • a supportive environment will foster healing from trauma
  • vocational training will provide an income stream to combat the economic pressures placed on girls and their families
  • women gain vocational and life skills, restoring dignity and building financial independence and a sense of community

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