Enabling and Empowering Women – Mbale

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$22,150 $22,150
Project Code: UGA-JEN-EEW-P01


This project continues the good work following a women’s empowerment project with our partners in 2016 and 2017. It will implement a series of initiatives that will have a direct impact on vulnerable women living in some of the poorest communities in Mbale in the east of Uganda. The first initiative is to expand the Women’s Savings and Loan groups into new areas. These continue to go from strength-to-strength and are a mainstay of our partner’s work in fighting poverty. Over 100 groups are in action! The second initiative is to introduce a new revolving seed capital fund where 25 of the better-performing groups will be provided with a small injection of capital to take their business start-ups or expansion to the next level. These funds are repaid to provide a revolving fund. The third initiative is to build on the quality tailoring and craft activities that have been successfully selling products and crafts (and selling out!). From small beginnings our partners hope to build on this income-generating activity. The fourth initiative is to provide specific job training for young mums (such as hair dressing and sewing) who are struggling to provide for themselves and their young children.


The four initiatives are designed to complement each other to maximize their impact. Each tackles poverty and provides women with purpose, knowledge and practical activities to find a solution to their own situation. Our partners collaborate well with other groups in the area and are effectively and strategically planning their projects to meet the needs of the people by building on a firm foundation of experience.


The eastern corridor of Uganda has been badly affected by the drought at the end of 2016 into 2017. Crops have been destroyed and prices for food have been very inflated. It is a difficult time in a region where poverty is oppressive and unrelenting. This project provides women with the means to access activities and ongoing advice to help them escape the poverty cycle. Given the opportunity, these women will take it with both hands and run with it. We have seen first-hand the difference it makes in the life of a family.


  • Development of resilience to financial shocks, meaning that women who climb out of poverty can stay out
  • Women provided with skills which will enable them to earn an income
  • Women empowered to take charge of their own lives and come up with their own solutions

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