Emergency Relief – Rakhine State – Myanmar

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$38,350 $38,350
Project Code: MMR-EMG-RAK-P19


Entrust was informed of this emergency situation by trusted locals on 15 January and we ask for your help to take immediate action.

On the western border of Myanmar (Burma) is Rakhine State.  In the north, the Government Army is openly firing on the local Arakan people and their fledgling army who are trying to protect them. This is in the same part of Myanmar in which the Government killed thousands of Rohingya last year.

As a result, there are approximately 1,000 innocent men, women and children from seven villages who have fled with what they can carry to avoid the fighting and find safety   They are living in make-shift Internally Displaced People camps (IDP Camps.) In the village of Buthidaung alone, over 500 people have had to abandon their homes to find refuge.


Entrust has direct contact with trusted people in the area who can get assistance to these people in need.  Being fortunate enough to have the access through locals, we believe it is important to maximise this opportunity.


We have not set a budget but guarantee we will send 100% of whatever funds are donated.


Their needs are basic – blankets (as it is ‘winter’), clothes, food and medicine.  People have lost everything, including loved ones and they don’t know if they will ever be able to return to their villages. It is our responsibility to do what we can – whilst we have the means to help these vulnerable people.

As always, Entrust will get 100% of your donation to the IDP Camp to assist these families.

The opportunity to donate will remain open until 5pm Thursday 24 January, when we will forward the funds.

Thank you for your partnership.

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