Emergency Relief – Cyclone Idai – Mozambique & Zimbabwe

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$20,350 $20,350
Project Code: MOZ-EMG-ZIM-P19


After suffering drought, the central part of Mozambique and the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe is now under water, with 2 cyclones hitting on 23rd Jan and 14th March! In Beira Mozambique and Rusitu, Zimbabwe, we have partners who have been deeply affected by the cyclones and we want to help them. (Entrust only engages in emergency relief when we have existing trusted partners on the ground who can offer direct assistance.)


Jenny our African Project Manager and Richard our CEO were in Mozambique at the King of Kings School just last year. This school has suffered extensive damage to many of its buildings with roofs blown away. The torrential rain has damaged buildings and destroyed precious equipment. Whilst none in the school’s community were injured, many school and staff families have lost everything that they own.  The school has been running since the year 2000 and has just over 2000 students.

In Zimbabwe – just over the border – our Partner and his colleagues are in a position to immediately assist local families with food, water, medicine and housing.   Entrust Foundation sent funds 10 days ago, but reports and photos received this week have shown the level of devastation and just how much they need our love and support.

Will you join us to help meet immediate needs and give these families some hope for the future? 100% of your donation will be sent and a tax deductible receipt will be issued within 7 days. A progress report will be sent within 2 weeks, or when information becomes available.


We haven’t set a budget as the need is huge! Every cent donated will be used wisely to help those in greatest need. We will keep this appeal open for a limited time as we want to send the bulk of funds urgently.


Funds will be used in the following ways:

  • Food, shelter, medical aid.
  • Re-building the school and assisting local families.
  • Helping mid-term recovery by restoring livelihoods with market gardens and bee keeping initiatives.

As always, Entrust guarantees 100% of your donation will get to those on the ground in Mozambique and Zimbabwe who are in desperate need.

Thank you for your partnership.

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