Building Lives in Laos – Vientiane

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$6,374 $10,000
Project Code: WYG-LAO-NLH-BLL


Over the past 14 years, our partners have directly helped over 400 men, women and children. They run 3 main programs – a drug detox and rehabilitation centre where mostly young men and women, addicted to methamphetamines, ‘ice’ and opium stay for up to a year; the property where our partners live which is a half-way house where the most vulnerable reside and continue their life skills training (these include girls who have been trafficked for sex and women with babies and very young children); and a vocational training centre incorporating a fully functioning organic farm and cafe social enterprise.

The farm’s basic infrastructure is created and the cafe building walls and internal flooring and ceiling have been constructed. Graduates of the rehabilitation program will come here to learn farming and hospitality skills while running a commercial organic market garden and cafe for tourist buses. The cafe still requires funds for a fridge, freezer, cake display, coffee machine, food preparation area and furniture. Once some basic equipment is installed and the restrooms fitted out, the cafe will be open for business..

What we like about it:

The rehabilitation centre is run by a local, dedicated couple who are thoughtfully attempting to create a self-sufficient project. This will allow them to continue to run the centre as well as teach the former addicts useful skills and equip them to survive once they have completed their rehabilitation.

Budget: $10,000

Tax Deductible: Yes!

The Need:

Drug addiction is a serious problem in Laos and most addicts can’t access rehabilitation. Many other centres are too expensive for people to attend, or the rehabilitation process is too short. This is why our partners focus not only on treating the addiction, but in building up life skills and coping mechanisms so that rehabilitants can survive on their own back in society.

Life Change:

  • That graduates of the drug rehabilitation program learn coffee-making skills, baking skills, hospitality and cafe operations at the New Life House Cafe social enterprise.
  • The New Life House Cafe quickly gains a reputation as being the place of choice where every traveller heading north stops for quality coffee, tasty snacks, fresh organic produce and sparkling clean amenities.
  • Beyond the New Life House Cafe social enterprise, that staff will gain employment within the growing cafe-bakery sector in Laos.
  • See how Somai’s life has been changed by New Life House (Vimeo):

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