Building for the Future Year 1

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$30,000 $30,000
Project Code: IND-REJ-BFF-P01


Tehri Garwhal is situated in Northern India, high up in the Himalayas. It is an extremely remote area with poor infrastructure and limited access to schooling. Entrust currently supports a school, established in 2014, for a growing number of children who would otherwise not receive an education.

The existing building is in very poor condition, with damaged, crumbling concrete, mould and decaying windows, making all but three classrooms unsafe and unusable. Most classes are being held outdoors, but with the looming monsoon season, the need for a suitable building has become urgent. This short duration project will fund a transitional building for the school to move into, housing classrooms, staff room, principal’s office, washrooms, a computer lab and a small library. Once permanent classrooms are erected on the new site, the transitional building will become a multi-use facility for assemblies, sports and other school activities and will be integrated into the overall development of the new school facility.

Why support this:

The community requested the school and over the past 7 years they have been dedicated in making sure their children attend. The quality of the education is high, and the children are making great progress in catching up to age-appropriate standards after years of neglect.
The new land where the school will be built was donated by locals for the school and the title has been transferred to our locally registered organisation. The community will cover half the cost of the retaining wall to be built behind the school and will contribute in-kind labour and some raw materials.

Budget: $30,000 for a 3 month project.

The Need:

Many people in the area surrounding the school are illiterate farmers doing their best to make ends meet.  With small incomes, they cannot afford to send their children to distant schools. Often, they also need their children to work on the farm. A local school enables children to get an education and still help at home. By providing the children with an education, our partner is giving them a chance to break out of the poverty cycle.

Expected Life Change:

  • Children are empowered through primary education, able to communicate in English and improve future opportunities in a safe and healthy environment.

  • Equal access to education for girls and boys leads to better job options for all and a more equal society.

  • A community more actively engaged in educating children and aware of its importance in alleviating poverty.


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