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$7,080 $7,080
Project Code: KHM-SO-EQP-N01


This project will purchase a spirulina tablet press and tuk-tuk (motorized delivery tricycle) for a social enterprise in Cambodia. So! Nutritious supplies soy drinks to street and at risk children, supporting their nutritional intake and working to prevent stunting and a lifetime of health problems caused by childhood malnutrition, through local partners.  The business seeks to model ethical business practices in all it’s commercial dealings and in its hiring policies.  So! Nutritious makes and sells fortified soy drinks and corn snacks, and is seeking to diversify into spirulina tablets also.  Part of the business is the purchase of an additional tuk-tuk will allow further development , as products must be delivered close to the time of consumption and kept refrigerated – difficult when helping with a street program.


We love the heart So! Nutritious have for the outcasts in society and their desire to reach out and help in very practical ways.  We appreciate the focus on ethical business, and training up local employees to reach their full business potential.  We also appreciate the way in which the business works with the local culture, adapting soy products to improve health.


$7,080 will provide for an additional tuk-tuk and a spirulina tablet press.


So! Nutritious was begun on a shoe-string budget, targeting the poorest communities in order to improve their health.  After five years the business is slowly becoming operationally sustainable.  Some of the difficulty lies in the fact that as an ethical business, So! Nutritious pays all taxes, whilst most other businesses do not, meaning they can charge less.  The target audience also means products are pitched at the lower end of the price range/profit margin.  The addition of new products and more transport capacity will speed up the process of sustainability.  Entrust is keen to support So! Nutritious given the phenomenal support they provide to so many poor and at risk families.

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