Bringing home the bacon

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$3,200 $3,200
Project Code: UGA-NSI-PIG-N01


This project will assist a community development organisation in an empoverished and job-poor part of Uganda to finish off an economic empowerment project involving pigs.  Our partner built a small piggery to assist young unemployed men and widows achieve economic independence.  Through breeding their pigs and giving a male and a female piglet to recipients, these men and women can then go on to breed and sell their own pigs.  With a major city less than a days travel away, the market for pork products is strong.  Our assistance will allow the piggery to be completed with a better fence to prevent theft, purchase the land the piggery is currently on, and increase lifestock with five new sows.


Our partners have already achieved small success with this project, previously having assisted 20 people through the gift of piglets.  One young man was able to begin a transport business all because he was given a single pig which he raised and sold for pork, which gave him seed funding for a motor bike!  We love that they are self-starters, and our assistance will really just bring the project to scale and allow them to assist the community much more rapidly!  Richard recently visited the project and was impressed by our partner’s commitment to his local community.


The funds will purchase the plot of land the piggery is currently on, and provide material to properly fence it, as well as purchasing 5 new breeding sows.



This area of Uganda is extremely poor, with limited employment opportunity.  A number of young men in the community are unable to find work.  In addition, the community has a large proportion of widows who are unable to provide properly for their children.  By providing a source of income, and employment, it is hoped to transform the economy.


  • Young men are given a sense of purpose and self-worth
  • Families are able to purchase food
  • The community as a whole becomes less poor and has a greater sense of it’s capacity to improve

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