Book for Dads

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$3,600 $3,600
Project Code: UGA-WCL-BFD-P01


This project pays for the design and editing of a book for men on issues to do with reproductive health.  The book came about through our partner’s work on reproductive health training in Uganda, where they realised that men had questions too, but no material specifically produced for them – everything was aimed at women.  And so the book was born (pun intended).  Using a similar format to existing material, the book will be light on text with descriptive pictures and simple words, to cater for those with limited literacy.  It will include all the questions our partner is asked by men when they currently run reproductive training sessions in communities.  The books, once printed, will be for sale, and placed in libraries, included as part of the reproductive training material and promoted to health clinics as useful material to have on hand.


Our partner ensures sustainability from the beginning of the project.  Through selling the initial seed stock, all the profits can go back into printing more books, making them sustainable after the first grant.  We are also deeply appreciative of our partner’s wisdom and knowledge – they know the gaps in the reproductive health sector, and know that if men are not reached and educated, cultural change will never come about.


This budget will cover the cost of designing and editing the book, as well as printing an initial 500 copies to be used as seed stock.


Correct understanding on reproductive health has the potential to reduce poverty and maternal and neo-natal deaths.  Cultural understanding is that a large family is a gift from God – whether you can afford them or not.  Men are the head of the household and wield the most power in deciding how many and when to have children.  By providing them with knowledge targeted at their needs, there is the potential to shift their mindset, assisting them to have smaller families which they can better support, to wives old enough to cope with pregnancy.  Current family size in Uganda is 7 children, and teen pregnancy to older fathers is common.


  • Men with changed attitudes towards family size
  • Smaller families, and healthier mothers
  • Fathers with a sense of their responsibilities as fathers, and the skills and knowledge to meet those responsibilities

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