Access for Everyone

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$10,000 $30,000
Project Code: IND-ABC-AFE-P01


This ‘Disability Inclusive Development Program’ provides economic empowerment opportunities and training for marginalised and vulnerable groups of people in the area. Activities include therapeutic sessions for children and adults, livelihood skills for widows, tailoring classes, children’s gardening, computer classes, health camps and start-up business training for families of PWDs (people with disabilities).

Why support this:

Our partners have a strong commitment to this very poor and isolated region, so much so that the centre was first established from personal funds. They have extensive networks with other community health and development organisations working in the area, which gives access to a range of health services. The community health volunteers receive regular training from some of these local services. The centre was designed to be multi-purpose and serves to draw the community together as well as address its many needs. With very few government services available and the nearest medical help 22km away, the centre provides much needed support, enabling the vulnerable to become self- reliant, confident and able to participate in community life.


$30,000 per year for a three-year project.

The Need:

One of the challenges faced by the team is poor attendance of people with disability at the centre. Often, families do not consider them as a priority, since tending to their needs means loss of a days work when they are already struggling to provide care and support for them. The centre will assist these families in building livelihood options that bring financial security and enable them to better support dependents with disabilities.With very few government services available and the nearest medical help 22km away, the centre provides much needed support, enabling the vulnerable to become self-reliant, confident and able to participate in community life. 

Expected Life Change:

  • Children and adults with disabilities visit the centre regularly and benefit from the services leading to improved health outcomes
  • Women, especially widows, are economically independent and actively running their households
  • People with disabilities run small businesses and become financially secure through learning a trade and new skills
  • Centre is a training venue for the vulnerable and wider community

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