Abigail Centre – India

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$20,000 $20,000
Project Code: IND-CHR-ABC-D01


Our implementing partners live in a remote location in Northern India where services are extremely limited. They have begun work on a community centre which will serve a multitude of purposes including hosting short term health teams from overseas, being the vocational training centre, health clinic, counseling centre and therapy centre for disabled community members. Given their drive and passion for their local community, Entrust wants to come alongside them and help them to complete the centre.


Our implementing partners are committed to this very poor and isolated region, so much so that they have used their personal funds to begin the Abigail Centre. The centre is designed to be multi-purpose, and will serve to draw the community together as well as meet its many needs. The building has been undertaken to withstand the climate, including strong foundations to withstanding mud-slides and other problems associated with high rainfall.


The funds will be used to construct the Abigail Centre excluding the foundations and a few external walls which have already been constructed. The budget includes internal fit out such as electricity and plumbing.


The nearest hospital is four hours away from this community, so the health clinics which will be run out of the community centre are essential. There are no disability services anywhere close to the community either. This remote community has so little in the way of services that we normally take for granted. While this project is for a building, in reality, it is more than that; it is aiming to create a space where the community can gather and receive some of the basic services we take for granted here in the West.


Through the services provided by the Abigail Centre, the following will be achieved:

  • Improved health outcomes for the village and surrounding areas;
  • Improved quality of life for those with disabilities
  • Improved psycho-social health
  • Increased skills leading to potential for new livelihoods


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