10 Deep-Core Bore Wells – India

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$32,000 $32,000
Project Code: IND-EMP-WAT-D01


Fresh, clean drinking water is becoming increasingly scarce in North India – there is a water crisis – recently confirmed by a two NASA satellites!  Our implementing partner is working to provide 55 deep-core bore wells throughout Northern India, and we are partnering with them in Rajasthan and Gujarat, aiming to fund 10 wells.  Because of limited access to needy villages, the local community will participate by carrying in the heavy equipment needed for well drilling.  Due to the caste system in India, marginalised people are often prevented from sharing wells with others, particularly when water is scarce.


Water is essential to life and this project enables access to water for marginalised (Dalit) families.  They want to physically help to make this a reality and will receive support and training to maintain the systems once installed.


There are approximately 638,000 villages in India, 74% of India’s population reside in these villages.  Services are often extremely basic.  Villagers rely on central water pumps, or rivers.  The rapidly shrinking water table and the increasing frequency of drought is causing huge concern amongst these people.  Lack of water directly impacts on health and mortality.  The need to collect water from distant sources reduces time spent in school or in income producing activities for the poor. Deep core bore wells close to the marginalised will improve health and free children to attend school and families to earn income.


  • Children can go to school instead of collecting water!
  • Families will be healthier.
  • People don’t have to move and can stay within their communities.

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