Entrust was established to enable new donors to tap into our expertise, experience and partnerships that we have developed whilst running the not-for-profit company called 'Mission Enterprises (Vic) Ltd' for over 30 years. With this level of experience in philanthropy, we have helped fund close to 1,000 projects in 29 countries and distributed over $25 million.
Entrust is run by Mission Enterprises (Vic) Ltd an established not-for-profit organisation. Entrust has a small team of dedicated staff headed up the CEO Richard Beaumont.  Richard reports to an experienced Board of Directors that contribute their  expertise across business, community development, finance and investement, to the running of Entrust. (For more information on the Entrust team and the Board, go to the Motivation page).
Entrust Foundation is a not-for profit organisation coming under the legal framework of  Mission Enterprises (Victoria) Limited.   Entrust Foundation has two separate funds set up to service our projects. Entrust Foundation is the Australian Taxation Office Registered fund for tax deductible gifts.  Entrust Projects is for donations that do NOT require a tax receipt. Both funds are subject to external audits, ATO (Australian Tax Office) and ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission) regulations and report to the Board of Mission Enterprises (Vic) Ltd.
No.  Entrust is able to ensure 100% of all donations are used for the project or cause selected.  We are able to do this because of the generosity and foresight of Eugene Veith and the capital he left invested.  Along with some corporate sponsorship, this covers the cost of all our administration and project selection.  Where a tax deductible receipt is given, there is a small charge to cover the direct cost of government compliance.  This cost is already included in the project budget.  Entrust exists to support our implementing partners and we receive no financial benefit from our activities (just the satisfaction of knowing we have made a difference!!).
We connect closely with known partners who are already working in the hard-to-reach places and have local knowledge, cultural sensitivity and a proven track record.  Our partners come to us with projects they are interested in, or work they are already doing, and allow us to come alongside them in their endeavours.  A project application is completed and all projects pass through a project approval process before we agree to fund them.  All of our partners sign a Partner Agreement with Entrust promising to operate with integrity & transparency and comply with pre-agreed reporting standards.
They range from small, unknown grass-roots non-government organisations to mid-sized aid, development and mission organisations. All our partner organisations have a legal structure.  We have a close personal relationship with all our partner organisations and are in touch with them on a regular basis.
As an organisation with strong, family-based Christian values, Entrust ensures that when funding ‘children at risk’ projects we prioritize those that, in the best interests of the child, strengthen families to care for children, reduce risk of separation from immediate and extended family, and strengthen systems that provide alternative family or community-based options to institutionalization.  For our full policy please contact info@entrust.org.au and request a copy.
For donations that require a tax deductible receipt, first see the project description to ensure the project is deductible and then make your payment to “Entrust Foundation”.  Gifts NOT requiring a tax deductible receipt should be made payable to “Entrust Projects” .
Most of Entrust's projects are tax-deductible, under our umbrella Public Benevolent Institute, M E Foundation for Aid and Relief.  Where a project is not tax deductible, the project page will clearly mention this.
The website clearly states how much funding is required for each project and this is closely monitored. However, should a project become over-funded, the donor will be contacted and asked whether they would prefer to redirect their donation to another project or receive a refund.
You are able to donate by clicking on the green donate button under the Entrust logo or by clicking here. This will allow you to donate online, direct deposit or through a cheque. If this is not working for you please fill out a form on our contact page or call us on 03 9079 7781.
Yes, Entrust has a Child Protection Policy which is strictly enforced.  This policy is available as a PDF should you wish to view it.  Please email info@entrust.org.au to request a copy.
Here at the Entrust Foundation your privacy, the privacy of our partners and the privacy of the people they work with is extremely important to us.  We have developed a Privacy Policy to ensure that everyone's privacy is respected, and all parties know how their information will be used.  We encourage you to read this policy and email us at info@entrust.org.au should you have any questions or concerns.
Entrust Foundation has a Complaints Handling Policy which tells you the exact steps and processes to take should you have a complaint. To receive a copy of the policy, email us at info@entrust.org.au and we will send you a copy by return email. We encourage you to bring your complaints to us - we view them as an opportunity to learn and improve.