Entrust is about identifying and funding projects that bring transformation to individuals and communities in the developing world amongst the poor and oppressed.

Our donors are individuals, Trusts, small business owners and corporations that are motivated by the opportunity to make a financial contribution to a project that will improve the lives of people in the community where our implementing partners live and serve. We enable our donors to fulfill their social and philanthropic goals through partnering with us.

We work closely with in-country implementing partners who identify, manage and report on our projects.  These partners and projects are spread across fourteen under-developed nations.  We cover the costs of doing this from our own resources, so 100% of donor’s money goes directly to the project!

To see what we’ve been up to, view our Year in Review:

2020-2021 Year in Review

2019-2020 Year in Review

2018-2019 Year in Review

2017-18  Year in Review

2015-16 Year in Review

2014-15 Year in Review




When you make an investment, it is natural to expect a good return.

Entrust Foundation understands this and we carefully choose where, and with whom we invest, to ensure our donors get a great return.

Giving away money is easy. Giving it away wisely is very difficult.

We monitor, report and stay connected with you and our implementing partners to ensure effective development and a good return for the investment you make.



    Wells, filters and hygiene training will stop children dying, increase productivity and strengthen vulnerable communities. It is a basic right that every person should have easy access to clean, safe water.


    No human should be treated as a commodity to be bought and sold.  At Entrust we are working to prevent trafficking and to restore dignity and livelihoods to those rescued from trafficking.


    58 million children cannot get to primary school. 781 million adults are illiterate and oppressed and manipulated as a result. Education empowers people, builds dignity and enables them to become self-sufficient.



    Nearly half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. When we empower the poor with a small business loan, or some training in agriculture or practical vocational skills, we give them the freedom to choose their own destiny. We actually restore their dignity.


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    Entrust works in economically AND environmentally fragile countries.  When disaster hits, we seek to immediately assist our partners in providing the basics of life to their communities, while waiting for international assistance to reach them.

We exist to bring about transformation for the poor and marginalised, in some of the neediest nations on earth.

Each of us here at Entrust brings our skills and experience to bear to this end.  We encourage you to read on to learn more about what motivates each of us as Board members, Staff and Volunteer Ambassadors.



Richard Beaumount


Chief Executive Officer

Richard joined as a director in 2003 and led the launch of Entrust in 2008. He has been CEO since January 2010.

Richard brings to Entrust a clear balance of perspectives from both the business world and not-for-profit community. He spent 18 years with an international NGO, visiting 70 countries. His 15 years’ business experience included sales, management, business development and HR. Richard’s role takes him to 15 nations in needy parts of the world. He understands the challenges of effective philanthropy and has a passion for identifying and funding strategic projects to help the world’s poor and marginalised people.

He “clears his head and relaxes” sailing on Port Philip Bay.


Roger McKinnon



Roger has enjoyed working with Entrust since April, discovering the breadth of projects that are currently being funded, the success of completed projects and the great benefits that they bring to the communities involved.

His professional life started at an accounting firm - Whelan and Cook, followed by a start up wine company. The last 11 years have been spent working in a variety of roles at The Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

In summer a lot of Roger's time is spent chasing red balls around a cricket field - something he has done for over 30 years. The rest of his time is spent chasing his son around the house - in a good way!

Kate Munns

Kate joined Entrust in February 2017. She became involved in community development work when she visited the Democratic Republic of Congo as a volunteer in 2009 and worked with a local organisation there.

She has a background in education, has lived and worked overseas and loves spending time in other countries and cultures.

Kate is passionate about walking alongside the poor and marginalised and helping empower communities through education and development.

Kate is married to Peter and they have 3 children. She enjoys travelling, reading and walking their dog.

Jenny Crameri

Jenny joined Entrust Foundation in February 2017. She comes to Entrust with a strong background in Project Management and Public Relations in the profit and not-for-profit sectors for over 20 years. Jenny is passionate about working alongside overseas partners to help them bring transformation to their communities. Jenny has worked across Asia and Africa for over 12 years and feels privileged to come alongside partners to encourage and assist them with their goals and aspirations. Jenny enjoys the joys of cycling and travelling.


Stuart Brown

Stuart Brown

Deputy Chair

Stuart has been a Director of the organisation since 1974 and Chairman since 2007 and he comes with considerable management experience in commercial and not for profit organisations.

As CEO for Leprosy Mission Australia for 12 years Stuart had direct involvement in Overseas Community Development in Africa, India and South East Asia.

He has a passion for encouraging and facilitating others in sharing the compassion and love of Christ to the poor and marginalised through the practical means of education, empowerment and economic community development.

Whilst retired, Stuart is active in volunteer leadership and consultancy and is a member of New Hope Baptist Church.


Judy Savage

Judy Savage

Board Member

Judy was invited to join the Board of Entrust in 2010 as professionally she works in international development and has managed projects for people with disability in eight countries. She has strongly contributed to the ongoing project work of Entrust by reviewing project proposals and as a member of the Project Committee. Judy had the privilege of meeting Entrust’s founder, Eugene Veith at his 95th Birthday in 2010, shortly before he died. His legacy has enabled some amazing work to be done through Entrust and Judy is pleased to be able to participate in this important work of bringing hope and change to some of the most marginalised people in the world.

John Veith

John Veith

Board Member

John is an IT consultant who has been working as a Project Manager and System Architect for over 35 years. He has worked with Telecommunication, Insurance and Public Service organisations with particular expertise in HR, Payroll, Telecommunications, Insurance and Data Warehouse Systems.

John is married with four children and currently attends the Donvale Presbyterian Church. John has been involved in christian ministry since his teenage years, and this has led to leadership roles within the church and the Churches Soccer Association.  He is a passionate supporter of missions.  He has taken a keen interest in the work of Entrust over the years, joining the Board in April 2014. 

Mike Woods

Mike Woods

Chair of the Board

Having a long-standing interest in community development projects and the underprivileged, Michael accepted the role as Entrust Ambassador in October 2010. Since then he has been actively involved in representing the organisation both publicly and privately within his business network.

Michael originally trained as a commercial pilot and flight instructor working across various roles in the aviation industry, including time with community development agencies in the Northern Territory.

In 2008 he started his own business as director of MRG Finance - a financial planning and mortgage origination firm which seeks to assist and educate clients in the area of residential and commercial property investment and financial planning. He has found this provides an excellent platform to profile Entrust to both clients and finance industry stakeholders.

Michael is a camping and four wheel driving enthusiast, and looks for any opportunities to “get away from it all” in remote parts of Australia.

Phil Burns

Phil Burns

Board Member

Phil joined the organisation in 1998 bringing with him a wealth of experience in the design, development and delivery of significant property and construction projects. Throughout his career, Phil has held senior positions in major property, construction and consulting companies in Australia; and is also co-founder of Burns Bridge Australia. In 2003 Phil established Sinclair Brook, now a leading provider of property development services to local and overseas institutions and listed and private companies operating throughout Australia. Phil brings ideas, his business experience and strategic thinking together with a passion to see how people can grow and find what it means to be truly human, to the Entrust Board of Directors.

Phil is married to Venita. They have 3 children, 8 grand children and attend CityLife Church in Melbourne.

Matthew Lemke

Matthew Lemke

Board Member

Matthew has a Law degree with honours and a Commerce degree from Melbourne University. He did his Articles with Arthur Robinson & Co., before joining the National Companies and Securities Commission. He then entered 23 years of investment banking, travelling extensively and working on Wall Street, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney and Melbourne. Simultaneously Matthew obtained a Graduate MBA from Harvard University and became a Fellow of the Finance and Treasury Association. He then spent 7 years pursuing family interests, before starting up his own financial consultancy business and then joining PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2014 where he is a Director. Matthew chairs the Investment Committee for Entrust.  He has four children, and loves sport and God.

As part of our 'wise philanthropy philosophy', Entrust have a number of funding criteria on which we assess projects.

We welcome applications and refer you to the criteria below:


    big impact

    We seek to partner with organisations working where no-one else will work, where we can make a large difference in the lives of the most needy.


    accountable partners

    We expect all our partners to have structures in place which will allow them to account for the funds and results.  These structures do not necessarily need to be formal, as we also seek to mentor local organisations.  Formal or informal, we are looking for organisations which can demonstrate their accountability to us and the donors.


    local initiative

    We are not seeking to drive development, but rather partner with locally-led organisations who are committed to improving their own communities.  We work with organisations who 'do' development WITH their community, not TO a community.


    Wise Investment

    We invest in projects which contribute towards a sustainable, long term result which will improve the lives of the local community long after our funding ceases.


    measurable results

    While we are not expecting the "Rolls Royce" of a monitoring and evaluation system, we will only invest in projects where results can be measured and evaluated.  We want to be able to demonstrate the value of an investment to donors.
