We are Entrust

We exist to bring about life-change for the poor and oppressed, in some of the neediest nations on earth.

Our passion is to serve the poor and oppressed in partnership with donors and project implementers. We support individuals and communities living in tough places, by meeting their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

We are the link between donors who wish to make a difference and trusted local partners who work with us, to enable life-change.  We identify the most suitable national partners and build long term, trusted relationships with them, building their capacity and seeing lives changed!

Often, they are already engaged in the areas of Education, Water & Sanitation, Economic Empowerment and stopping Human Trafficking.  We coach, mentor and visit them to support the work they have undertaken.


We work in 14 nations, with people of all cultures, genders and religious beliefs, to enable long-term change through co-operatively funding community development projects in some of the toughest places on earth.  We seek to lead by example, helping those who are poor, sick, isolated and marginalised within their society.



100% Get There


Entrust is able to ensure 100% of all donations are used for the project or cause selected. We are able to do this because of the generosity and foresight of Eugene Veith and the capital he left invested. Along with some Corporate sponsorship, this covers the cost of all our administration and project selection. Entrust exists to support our implementing partners and we receive no financial benefit from our activities. (Just the satisfaction of knowing we have made a difference!!)


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There are several ways for you to support our projects.  Click on the button below to find out how to donate by direct deposit, credit card or cheque.  100% of your donation will go towards making the world a better place.




  • water_homepage


    Wells, filters and hygiene training will stop children dying, increase productivity and strengthen vulnerable communities. It is a basic right that every person should have easy access to clean, safe water.

    58 million children cannot get to primary school. 781 million adults are illiterate and oppressed and manipulated as a result. Education empowers people, builds dignity and enables them to become self-sufficient.

    No human should be treated as a commodity to be bought and sold. At Entrust we are working to prevent trafficking and to restore dignity and livelihoods to those rescued from trafficking.
  • emergency_homepage


    Entrust works in economically AND environmentally fragile countries. When disaster hits, we seek to immediately assist our partners in providing the basics of life to their communities, while waiting for international assistance to reach them.
  • microloans_homepage


    Nearly half the world lives on less than $2.50 per day. When we empower the poor with a small business loan, or some training in agriculture or practical vocational skills, we give them the freedom to choose their own destiny. We actually restore their dignity.

"We have been involved with Entrust for a couple of years. During that time we have enjoyed personally meeting with the staff and hearing about many of the projects. We have been able to direct our donations in areas that we feel passionate about and we know that the money we give will make a real difference in someone’s life."

Anon. Melbourne Donor

"We found it difficult to locate high quality projects in many remote areas where the poorest of the poor live, but partnering with Entrust Foundation has enabled us to do just that.  We know that due diligence is done well and we can give with confidence knowing our money will be used wisely"

Andrew (Director of Private Family Foundation)

“Entrust provides a direct connection to quality grass-root development projects and provides personalised feedback to donors on outcomes.”

 Matt Burns
Sinclair Brook Pty Ltd



We exist to bring about life-change for the poor and oppressed, in some of the neediest nations on earth.Our passion is to serve the poor and oppressed in partnership with donors and project implementers. We support individuals and communities living in tough places, by meeting their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.We are the link between donors who wish to make a difference and trusted local partners who work with us, to enable life-change.  We identify the most suitable national partners and build long term, trusted relationships with them, building their capacity and seeing lives changed!Often, they are already engaged in the areas of Education, Water & Sanitation, Economic Empowerment and stopping Human Trafficking.  We coach, mentor and visit them to support the work they have undertaken.We work in 14 nations, with people of all cultures, genders and religious beliefs, to enable long-term change through co-operatively funding community development projects in some of the toughest places on earth.  We seek to lead by example, helping those who are poor, sick, isolated and marginalised within their society.